The GJCL Committee
Per the amendment ratified at Fall Forum 2012, we now have a committee of elected sponsors consisting of the following positions: State Chair, Academics Chair, Creative Arts Chair, Certamen Chair, Graphic Arts Chair, Olympika Chair, Constitutional Advisor, Programs Chair, Publications Chair, Technology Chair, Public Relations Chair, Middle School Chair, and Convention Chair. A description of each position and its duties can be found in the bylaws.
Administrative Chairs
State Chair - Rachel Ash
Contact: deabelli@gmail.com
Public Relations Chair - Amber Stallings
Contact: amber.stallings@gcpsk12.org
Publications Chair - Eric Adams
Contact: adams.eric@newton.k12.ga.us
Communications Chair - Andrew Olimpi
Contact: aolimpi@gmail.com
Constitutional Advisor - Andrew Paczkowski
Contact: apaczkowski@oconeeschools.org
Records Chair - Alan Butrum
Contact: butrum.alan@newton.k12.ga.us
Treasurer - Allison Smock
Contact: alisonMsmock@gmail.com
Contest Chairs
Academics Chair - Alex Marsh
Contact: MarshAJ@fultonschools.org
Awards Chair - Garret Yeats
Contact: magister.yeatsfg@gmail.com
Creative Arts Chair - Courtney Pickens
Contact: cpickens@gwa.com
Certamen Chair - Kevin Roth
Contact: kroth@atlantaclassical.org
Certamen Chair - Alan Farnsworth
Contact: alan.farnsworth@cobbk12.org
Graphic Arts Chair - John Rhilinger
Contact: magister.rhilinger@gmail.com
Middle School Chair - Lisa Piacesi
Contact: piacesilm@fultonschools.org
Middle School Chair - Amy Venn
Contact: venna@fultonschools.org
Olympika Chair - Jeff Davis
Contact: davisj123@fultonschools.org
Programs Chair - Lindsey Campbell
Contact: latinalindz@gmail.co
Convention Chair - Dillon Diamond
Contact: diamondd@fultonschools.org
Convention Advisor - Andrew Paczkowski
Contact: apaczkowski@oconeeschools.org
SCL Officers
President - Eli Peacock
Contact: elirpeacock@gmail.com
Vice President - Abby Fisette
Contact: abigailfisette@gmail.com
Secretary - Sarah Ellington
Contact: sme10944@uga.edu