Photo of the Month
Contest Info
The submission period for each month ends at 11:59 PM on the month's last day! Submit through this Google form. In the form, include your name, email, school, grade and caption. Every caption should include the event at which the photograph was taken and a description of what is happening in the photo. The name of the student(s) who are the subject of the photo is optional.
Do not submit photos that were not taken by you/photos you are in--this takes away credit from the person who took the photo.
Q: How many photos can I submit every month?
A: Every individual can only submit once per month, but there is no limit to the number of submissions from a school.
Q: What pictures can I submit?
A: Pictures you submit must have been taken within 3 months of the submission date.
Q: What will the photos be judged on?
A: The photos will be judged on their quality along with how well the photo showcases JCL activates and spirit (e.g. don't submit pictures that only consist of a person's face).
Q: Where and when will the winner be announced?
A: The winner's photo will be posted on the GJCL Instagram and Flickr as soon as the winner is announced. In addition, the winner will be posted on the GJCL website and will be emailed. The winner will be announced a few days after the end of the month.
Q: What are the prizes?
A: Check below the questions.
Q: Will I become famous by winning this contest?
A: I guess you can only find out if you win.
Sending in a photo for the month will earn your school two spirit points. Every school can earn a maximum of two spirit points from participation each month. Winners will be given three extra spirit points in addition to the two earned from participation. The maximum number of spirit points that can be earned by a school through this competition is fifteen. All winners will have their photos posted on the official GJCL Flickr and Instagram account (with Photo Creds) and will have their photos shown during General Assembly at State Convention. In addition, the photo will be posted to the GJCL website until the next month and will be used in the GJCL scrapbook.