Additional Resources
JCL Resources
National Junior Classical League: www.njcl.org/
American Classical League: https://www.aclclassics.org/
Academic Resources
Cambridge Latin Course: https://elevate.cambridge.org/
LatinTutorial: https://www.latintutorial.com/
Vir Drinks Beer (additional Latin Resource): https://virdrinksbeer.com/
Certamen Resources
Yale: https://www.yalecertamen.org/
Harvard: https://sites.harvard.edu/classicalclub/certamen/
Duke: https://sites.duke.edu/dukecertamen
Other Resources
Narramus Project (for help with spoken Latin): www.narramus.org
Resources from Rupert Chen (2022-2023 NJCL 1st VP): http://jclsource.org/?ref=kabirwearsato.ga
Chapter Website Guide: (click here to download)
If you want to contribute and add more resources, please see this document for submission information, and your link or file will be added shortly.