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Georgia Junior Classical League

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Submit to POTM AND COTM!!​

POTM and COTM submission links and guides for this year have been updated. Check them out!!




Meet our 2024-25 GJCL Board

The GJCL Board for the 2024-2025 year was inducted at State Convention. Visit this page to get to know them. 


NatCon Highlights and Contest Results

National Convention 2024 was a blast! Visit this page to relive memories and view conest results.

Screenshot 2024-10-12 201950.png

Check out the latest Alae Mercurii Edition

Visit here to check out the latest Summer Edition, complete with National Convention Highlights, a special GHP segment, and much more!!

!!24-25 JCL Chapter Registration Open!!
Click Here for more details

Instagram Posts

2024-2025 NJCL Theme
"Non scholae sed vitae discimus"
Seneca, Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium CVI.12*

"We learn, not for school but for life"

*inverted in the early 18th century from Seneca's original satirical criticism of Roman education,"We learn not for life but for school" 

Feedback Form

Daily Trivia Question

Why did Hercules perform his Twelve Labors?

He wanted to help out

Because he wanted to

He needed to atone for killing his wife and child

To show how strong he was

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